Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's us WELCOME the 16/9

Anwar :"The plan is smooth and we are confident we are able to make it"

Badawi: "That's impossible it will happen on 16th of September"

Basically, these are the conversation released by media when asking the top two people in Malaysia. The first one is our opposition leader cum De Factor Leader of Parti Keadilan, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The second one is our beloved Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Basically, what you all think about the 16th of Septermber? Did we expected the change of government between the Barisan National to Pakatan Rakyat?

This movement for change is about a crucial transition for the country between Barisan National and Pakatan Rakyat. Existing forces(BN) will try to direct this nation back to the old tested road which would continue to lead the country using the divide and rule method they know best. They still using the divide rule method to seperate between races. Malays get xx%, Chinese get xx%, Indian get xx%, bla bla bla.

We are one big FAMILY. We must fight for all races~

Ahmad Ismail gave us the best and the real example of such politics. For his own political benefits, Ahmad would do what ever for his community. But would Ahmad sell off his nice car and share his accumulated wealth with the less fortunates in his community? Will Ahmad swap his comfortable home for a humble low-cost house in his effort to try to understand how tough life can be at the bottom? (Maybe from 7 Series to Kancil?) If the answer is no, what can the Malay community expect out of Ahmad? Yea, what can Malay expect from him? Donation? Fight for Malays right? ZZZzzz....

Ahmad Ismail's Old Car -----7 Series

Ahmad Ismail's brand new car -SLK (Small little Kancil)

The movement for change is not about Anwar and his Sep 16 deadline. This movement is about a permanent change we must bring to the country. We can only talk about democracy, fairness and morality if this country recognises a place and the citizens really want to change it.

The politics of race is the pass and now we must focus on multi-racial based because it is too foolish to fight for the particular races only. I did not choose to be a Chinese Malaysian. Ahmad was not born a Malay by choice. In spirituality, you may call it is heaven's design. Scientifically, it is simply a random biological logic. But scientifically and spiritually, humans are all the same. So, we must respect all the races in this country because the choice is not with them.


Anonymous said...

yeah, this is bangsa Malaysia for u.
Collin, u r my inspiration, always be.
anyway, it is proven that anwar's version of 16/9 is a total lie, a false hope that he has given to some of the malaysians. Maybe he has not changed after all, the same person that he used to be. charisma does not help to save the country, but the act and attitude which he is lacking of.

we need a new version of 16/9. our own 16/9.

Collin, we need people like u to revive the country,not only reinstate our country to the old glorious days, but bring us to a higher level. yeah, play your role well!!! unleash your potential!!!

Collin Law said...

oh wei chiou han... once again you make jokes on me~ but is ok i dont mind as long as you are happy, i am happy too. I am not that strong as you la~