Tuesday, January 20, 2009

BN, you lose again~

After a disappointing By-election at Permatang Pauh, once again, you lose again at Kuala Terengganu parliament seat. On my point of view, the lose are due to the UMNO stupidity. Their ego, the way they talk and the policies they implement have lead to people not supporting them.

Is the result means Pas are better than BN? I dont think so. They even want to implement the Hudud Law for all the Malaysian which is unacceptable by non-muslim. They even did not care about the feelings for non-muslim. Such a leader cannot lead Malaysia because of their selfishness. Leaders need to be ‘global’ in their thinking, meaning they have to have ideas which transcend the nation’s boundaries but at the same time, remain deeply rooted and loyal to the country.

The tactic used by Barisan Nasional leader was totally wrong. They propose Wan Farid as a candinate. Previously, Wan Farid was a deputy minister. So, the message sent by Badawi is :"If you (Kuala terengganu's rakyat) want a representative in Cabinet, YOU must vote for Wan Farid. " That means Bawadi are forcing people to vote for Barisan National. But the Raykat are not stupid enough too fall into the trap.

Barisan Nasional leaders must re-invent their political style to ensure their approach is more people-oriented. The changes must be made not only to themselves but also to the party so that the country and its people can continue to prosper. They must identify what people's need and not their needs.

The Barisan-led government must ensure that programmes implemented are based on the rakyat’s needs so that we continue to be close to their hearts. If they fail to meet challenges effectively, they will pay dearly in the next general election.

The weakest Prime Minister in Malaysia, no doubt, please step down NOW!! instead of March. You have create a lots of instability in Malaysia politics and economy. You have lead BN to "achieved" the most shameful defeats in the General Election. Wow, you create a new record. Congrates~

The Kuala Terengganu by-election has lived up to its historic significance. It has delivered two important messages. Firstly, that the “308” political tsunami of the March general election last year is very much on course, confirming that the tsunami have not ended. Secondly, a warning to Umno and in particular Datuk Seri Najib Razak who is to be Prime Minister in ten weeks’ time of the consequences if they refuse to heed the people’s call for change.

Datuk Seri Najib, it's time for Change!! Please wake up~ Don't sleep like Bawadi used to. I know you are different. BN hopes are all on your shoulder. So, do your parts to reform BN especially UMNO.

Lastly, i sincerely hope that our new elected MP will serve all the people regardless of the race and status. Hope you can bring development and prosperity to Kuala Terengganu.


Leong Yi Yang said...

finally u r back... agree v ur point of view. means that we don't have a good politician to vote for...

Collin Law said...

hahahaahaha... ya finally am back after a long long sleep. Actually if Umno and Pas i rather choose Umno although they have lots of corruption and bla bla bla. Pas wanna build a islamic country leh...

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